Please note that we are in the process of updated new pricing provided by our suppliers.
SAMPLES - Can I see it before I buy it?
We are happy to offer you samples to help you with your purchase decision. Samples ship directly from our suppliers and are free of charge for most items; however, they do ask that you cover the cost for shipping. To order, simply email us at Due to occasional misuse of our sample policy, we reserve the right to refuse samples to any party at our discretion.
Our expertly trained artists will prepare an electronic proof of your artwork. These e-Proofs are emailed to you for your review and easy online approval. No job will be printed without prior written approval. Proofs are for layout purposes only, not color accuracy. Since all monitors are different, colors will not appear the same on all monitors. If color accuracy is an issue, we recommend ordering a PMS match when available or pre-production sample.
We can produce an actual sample of your item with your imprint prior to running your entire order. This is not available for all items. Pre-Production Samples incur an additional charge starting at $85.00, plus the price of the item, screens, setup fees and shipping. Please contact your Promotional Consultant if you would like a Pre-Production Sample.