Please note that we are in the process of updated new pricing provided by our suppliers.

Shipping Information

We make every effort to ship your products to your desired destination in the most economical way possible given your specified date and production limitations. The most economical means of transportation is typically UPS or FedEx Ground. In some cases, where product is extremely heavy or for large quantity orders, another common carrier may be used.

All orders are shipped FOB (freight on board) from the factory. This means that you own the merchandise from that point on. We cannot be held responsible for goods lost or delayed by the carrier, international or US Customs departments or by 'acts of God'. We will typically notify you with tracking information within 24 hours of shipment. If you have any questions or problems, please call toll-free at 800-680-0378 for assistance.

We are able to ship to most locations in the US and abroad although individual carriers have restrictions regarding PO and APO boxes.

All orders will be shipped using the factory's shipping account and billed with your order at published rates for that carrier. If you prefer to use your own account, in most cases, we can accommodate. depending on where the product is shipping from. Please provide us with the carrier name and your account number either via email or in the 'additional instructions' section of the order form. If your shipment is damaged or lost in transit, you will be responsible for the full invoiced amount of the items.

Finally, because Eclipse Marketing sends its products from a network of factories around the country and abroad, orders placed on the same day may arrive at different times. If you have unique needs regarding arrival of products, please be sure to notify us of those needs.

Do you have a trade show in San Francisco and a sales meeting in New York? At Eclipse Marketing, it is no problem at all for us to send your items where they need to be. In the 'additional instructions' section of your order form, just specify that you need your order sent to multiple locations. An Eclipse Promotional Consultant will call you or send you an email in order to obtain the details. We require that at least one full carton of product is shipped to each location. Freight will be billed individually for each shipment on your final invoice and a handling charge of $10.00 for each additional location may be added.

Unless otherwise specified, most international shipments will be sent using UPS or FedEx standard shipping. If you require faster delivery, please let us know upon ordering so that we can arrange to send your merchandise by your preferred method or carrier. Please be aware that due to factors beyond our control such as customs clearances and national and international regulations regarding importing, delivery times for international deliveries can not be guaranteed by Eclipse Marketing. We will do everything in our power to get your order SHIPPED on time but we will not accept responsibility for delays provided your order leaves the factory on time. You own the merchandise when it leaves the factory. Please also be advised that your invoice will not include duty, taxes or other charges relating to your international shipment and may be payable upon delivery by the carrier.

The artwork, designs and trademarks shown on products on this site are examples of the products and imprinting services we offer. They do not represent endorsement by the owners of the artwork, designs or trademarks.



 (800) 680-0378
80662 Avenida Los Pardres
Indio, CA 92203


Copyright 2016,

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